Talladega and Spoiler II Rancheros

Santa, I will take on of each please.
Before you gasp in horror, no Talladega or Spoiler II was sacrificed to build these Rancheros but some real body parts from long junked cars were used. John McCloud built his first Ranchero Talladega back in the day but let it get away. He continued to dream about it until recently when he decided to build another one but even better.

What you see here is a real “what if” project. Ford never built a Talladega Ranchero, never needed to; they didn’t race in Nascar. Once John was done with the Talladega truck everyone who saw it loved it and he was moved to go one step further. What about a Spoiler II truck?

He had some extra parts and found a good Ranchero so off he went and built what I think is the best of the two; a Cale Yarborough Mercury Spoiler II Ranchero! Just like the Nascar versions of the cars, in my eye, the Spoiler II out shines the Talladega. Just that little bit of extra flash in the two tone paint and side stripes just make the Spoiler II jump out and grab you. Note that John gave the Spoiler II the full Mercury look by giving it the correct rear quarter fender wheel well openings.

As if building these special “one of none” Rancheros was not a big enough task he wanted to make them even a little more special with the addition of a side opening tailgate.

Can you imagine the crowd you could draw with one of these as a tow truck for you Talladega or Spoiler II on a trailer behind it?

We like this combo so much we even included it in our 2015 Calendar. If you have a special original, restored or modified Talladega or Spoiler/Spoiler II send us some photos and we will show it off for you.
Thanks John for sharing these two terrific Aero Trucks.
Awesome vehicles. I believe John told me when he was building the Cale car/truck that he was putting in a Cyclone dash board too!
Very cool!
The workmanship on these vehicles is just fantastic. As Richard stated this is the true “what if” and they just look tremendous. A great addition to the calendar and something I hope to see in person one day….