When we do our annual Talladega Registry Count on how many still exist, I usually get the question, “What happened to all of them?” I recently saw an ad for Talladega parts that will help answer that question.

2020 saw some horrible wild fires in Central CA wine country. This Talladega is just one victim. Over the years, there have been many rare cars destroyed by fires.

An optimistic collector may believe that there are parts worth salvaging from this car. The only parts I see that might have any value are the front bumper, the ends of the front fenders and the header panel connecting the fenders. I would suspect that even these likely suffer from warpage caused by the fire.
There are likely the worst photos I have ever seen of a Talladega. Do you have ones that are worse? If so, send them along and we will share here. If you have the history of the damage, that should be included. Send to: rfleener@comcast.net.
Richard, were these Talladega’s, that burnt in the California wildfires of last year, registered? If they were , what are their serial numbers?
On the registry, you don’t post the names of the owners anymore?
Michael, I have no way to know unless someone has the VINs to give me. We list all owners names on the Registrations at the owner’s option. They can have all, some or none of their personal info listed at their direction. Some request we do not make their names and locations public.