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Life Story of David Pearson in Comics; Part 1

This post originally ran in 2016, but with so many new readers, I think it is time to rerun it. You can’t get too much David Pearson!

I recently came across some old comic books that tell the life story of some of the earlier NASCAR drivers. One really stood out from the rest. It is the life story of David Pearson. If you enjoy this one, let me know and I will do some others as time permits. Since these comic books are rather long, I will break them up into several posts for the website.

Here are the cover and the first few pages. I have given them chapter names even though such titles are not included in the comic book. You can click on each page and then click on it again to enlarge it to make them easier to read.

The Early Years of David Pearsonpearsoncoverpage1 page2 page3 page4 page5 page6 page7

If you enjoyed this, you may want to also check out our other website www.LegendaryCollectorCars.com for a comic book history of the Daytona 500 Story.

To be continued, to see part 2 Click Here.


Some of my first and strongest memories from my childhood relate to cars. I still remember when things happened based on what car I was driving at the time. I grew up and lived in Iowa for nearly 40 years before moving to Southern California and now live in Tennessee. I was a Corvette fanatic for years but then re-discovered vintage American Muscle. My wife, Katrina, and I decided we wanted to focus on unique and rare muscle cars. After a lot of research we fell in love with the Ford Blue Oval Aero Cars. These were only built in 1969 and and aerodynamics became an important part of winning races. The only purpose of these limited production cars was to win NASCAR races using the Boss 429 and 427 power plants complimented with a special, wind cheating, aerodynamic body. The Ford Talladega and Mercury Cyclone Spoiler II are terrific and historic cars. This site is devoted to these car and their owners past and present. We provide an Online Registry for recording the long term history and ownership of every remaining Talladega, Spoiler and Spoiler II.

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