
Welcome to the Talladega Spoiler Registry, we encourage you to Register your car or any car that you might have the required information on. This includes the 1969 Ford Talladega; 1969 Mercury Spoiler, Spoiler II, Color Code and 1968 Mercury Cyclone GT 500. REGISTRATION IS ABSOLUTELY FREE! You do not need to be a Team Member to register your car. You do not need to be a Team Member to access the Registry information. However, if you are a Team Member you will have access to the complete Registry and all of its detailed information and photos. You can see a sample Team Member Registration page by Clicking Here. This form will be available for every car in the Registry subject to the owner fully completing the form. All or partial owner information may be withheld at owners request.
To Register your car(s) simply Click Here. If you need to correct or up date you existing Registration you must send the appropriate information to
This Registry is the result of numerous requests from enthusiasts around the Country. It is not the first nor the only Registry for the 1969 Talladega and Spoiler cars. As with most good things, this effort follows and builds upon a tremendous amount of work completed previously by others.
First, I have to thank Rick Ochs (the Guru) for his long time involvement with these cars. He has provided us with all of the VINs and other information for the Talladegas. He has also helped me sort through a lot of the historical details I am still fuzzy on as it relates to the production of these cars. He was there when the most recent (1994) printed Registry was compiled (available through the Daytona Superbird Auto Club). I would also like to thank Mark Moses and his team who put together one of the best Talladega/Spoiler Registries in paper back book to date. It was this book that gave me a lot of my first knowledge about these cars when we started collecting them. Another person that is important to the historical documentation on these cars is the founder of the “Speedway Fords and Mercury’s Club” who put together the “Talladega Serial Number List” back in 1981 (c), Charles (Chick) Schiesser Jr.
If you own a Talladega Rick Ochs has a deal for you! If, you would like a copy (and I know you do) of your Talladega’s “Factory Invoice” Rick invites you to send him a request for your copy. The invoice shows the selling dealer, what Ford sold the car to the dealer for and what the dealer was to sell the new “T” for or the MSRP and other important facts like the 8 gals of Gas for price of just $2.48 (can’t even buy one gallon today for that). Send your Talladega’s VIN, your name and address to: Rick Ochs, or by US Post office 16570 North County Road 459 Hillman, Mich. 49746
Richard (and Katrina),
Great job! As a fellow owner of a production Talladega, I must say that it is great to have this information available, and to have a place to share information about our cars.
Once again, you have done an outstanding job with your website, and writing, skills. Likewise, I know you didn’t do it alone; therefore, I would like to also thank Rick, Doug, Clarence, Jason, and everyone else in the group, who helped to make the information that you have assembled available to all of us.
I’m looking forward to the way this website will continue to develop as each of us is able to contribute information about our own cars, and as the experts in our group continue to add historical information.
Thanks, again for doing such a superb job.
Carl Sharp
Liberty, IN