

a form has been submitted on November 16, 2016, via: /registry/register-here/talladega-registration/ [IP]

Talladega registry form

Owner information
Your Name Richard Fleener
Email rfleener@comcast.net
Street Address 4520 Sharpsville Road
City Murfreesboro
State/Province TN
Zip code 37130
Country United States
Phone number 615-849-3836
Select all that apply: all
Vehicle information
Select year 1969
Select make Ford
Select model Talladega
VIN 9A46Q192049
Body 63B
Color B
Trim 1A
Date 31A
DSO 89
Axle 9
Trans U
Do you have a Marti report? Yes
Do you have a build sheet? No
Do you have a warranty identification card/ownercard? No
Do you currently own this car? Yes
Condition of car (please select one) 5
Comments This car was purchased out of lower GA where it had been sitting outside for 30 year+-. The owner was in the middle of rebuilding the engine and restoration of the body when he was killed in an auto accident. His father left the car just as it was when his son died.
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