
What makes the Talladega/Spoiler II car collecting experience so rewarding is the people. Everyone I have met has been anxious to share information and resources regarding the restoration of these historic automobiles. To further this effort we have established these Resource pages to provide a clearinghouse of information on reliable, quality resources to assist us in our restoration and preservation efforts.
There are some basic ground rules. You must be a Team Member to access this information; provide your name, and contact info when you supply us with a recommendation. This is to ensure that we are getting valid recommendations from customers and not ones from the person or business selling the service or product being recommended. Also, there will never be a paid advertisement intentionally placed on this page. You may see advertisements for services or parts else where on this site but not on this page. We are reserving this service to Members only. Your contributions regarding quality suppliers of services and parts are needed to keep this page alive and useful.
Updated: April 5, 2013
Hagerty Price Guide
How to make a Talladega/Spoiler II Hood Latch
Spoiler/Spoiler II Option Packages
Product Providers, Click Here
Parts Providers: Who do you use/recommend for Talladega/Spoiler II specific parts and or general Ford/Mercury parts? Why do you use them: price, quality, availability?
Service Providers, Click Here
Service Providers: These are the people who do work for you that you like and recommend. One of the most difficult things is finding a restoration/repair shop you can depend on and afford. Not all of us are so talented or have the tools to do all of our own restoration work. Who have you used that you would recommend? This will also depend somewhat on what part of the country you are located in. We have Members located in many different parts of the country so we need to hear from all of you. If you are looking for a good provider of a service in your area you can also list that here.
Technical Articles/Magazine Articles: These are articles that provide you information on some unique repairs or restoration techniques for the Talladega, Spoiler and Spoiler II. This is the one place where a restoration shop is encouraged to show us what you know by contributing some of your knowledge. We will also include vintage and current articles on the cars as well as copies of factory printed materials and notices. You are encouraged to share what you have collected with our other members. Just send a scanned high resolution image to will be updated regularly.
Can someone tell me what kind of grill was used in the 1969 Cyclone Spolier II.
It looks like a 1969 Torno grill, but something looks a loittle differant than the Torino, but I can not place it.