2017 Talladega Spoiler Family Reunion Part 1

I will be doing a recap of the 2017 Talladega Spoiler Family Reunion in four parts over the next couple of weeks. Each review will cover approximately a half day. First off is Friday morning.
You can’t start any kind of event without some coffee and donuts. Katrina fixed a big pot of coffee and I had some donuts from a local bakery that has the best donuts I have ever eaten. We also had introductions with everyone telling us where they live and a little about their car(s). I was surprised at how many comedians we have in the group. This was another great year with approximately 45 members and spouses in attendance. The car count was a little down but that can be explained by how many of those present have cars under construction. People from twelve states plus Australia attended!
After everyone was stimulated by coffee, sugar and good conversations we moved out to the garage for the first of our two tech sessions. Marty (The Judge) Burke, spoke on the proper oil for our old high performance engines. I know when car guys get together there is ultimately a conversation that develops about what kind of oil to use. Our old, back in the day, oil no longer exists and the oil for today’s cars is not intended for our classics. I have never felt comfortable with the advice I have gotten from bar stool experts.
However, Marty is one of us and comes with a long history of racing both in NASCAR and NHRA. He walks the walk and talks the talk. His tech session was enlightening and educational. I know many of us will be doing oil changes in the very near future. The following video will give you a brief glimpse of Marty’s session. If you want to know more or order some oil from Marty for your baby contact him at Marty Burke Motorsports, 553 Highway 69, Leonard, Texas · (903) 587-3673 or MBurke6662@aol.com.