

a form has been submitted on December 28, 2015, via: /registry/register-here/talladega-registration/ [IP]

Talladega registry form

Owner information
Your Name John Burton
Email burton.motorsports@yahoo.com
Street Address
State/Province NJ
Zip code
Country United States
Phone number
Select all that apply: Name , Email , State
Vehicle information
Select year 1969
Select make Ford
Select model Talladega
VIN 9A46Q192225
Body 63B
Color X
Trim 1A
Date 31A
DSO 332500
Axle 9
Trans U
Do you have a Marti report? Yes
Do you have a build sheet? No
Do you have a warranty identification card/ownercard? No
Do you currently own this car? Yes
Condition of car (please select one) 4
Upload an image image.jpeg


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