a form has been submitted on April 14, 2016, via: /registry/register-here/talladega-registration/ [IP]
Talladega registry form
Owner information | |
Your Name | Frank.R Durso |
dana.durso@gmail.com | |
Street Address | |
City | |
State/Province | New Jersey |
Zip code | |
Country | United States |
Phone number | |
Select all that apply: | Name , Email |
Vehicle information | |
Select year | 1969 |
Select make | Ford |
Select model | Talladega |
VIN | 9A46Q206344 |
Body | 63B |
Color | M |
Trim | 1A |
Date | 28B |
DSO | 8925000 |
Axle | 9 |
Trans | u |
Do you have a Marti report? | Yes |
Do you have a build sheet? | Yes |
Do you have a warranty identification card/ownercard? | No |
Do you currently own this car? | Yes |
Condition of car (please select one) | 5 |
Comments | car is a bit of a mystery I got it from a young man in upstate NY who reported bought it from a gent who had it sitting in a field .that genteman bought it from a scrapyard in north jersey. has a inspection sticker from 01 |
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