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Spoiler and Spoiler II Hoods are Different!

The 1969 Mercury Cyclone Spoiler and Spoiler II hoods are different! Ok, the easy response at this statement is sure, one has a scoop and the other one doesn’t. That is true but not the real difference. So let me go a step further; the Spoiler II hood is different from any other Cyclone! Thanks to Dr. Cyclone for spotting a big difference that most of us have never noticed. You all know the Dr., Tom Wilson, cuts up Cyclones and makes new body parts for them so it is his critical eye that brought this to our attention.

Many of us have noticed that some hoods on the Spoilers II don’t seem to fit like they should in the front corners. They seem a little lower and don’t match the fender. More than likely you are seeing a Spoiler hood installed on a Spoiler II. Check out these photos below to find out the difference.

Tom searches out the best original body parts to use as his model for building the new replacement body parts and patch panels. He first noticed how a Spoiler II hood would lay flat on its front edge on his shop’s floor but an equally good Spoiler hood would be approximately an inch off the ground in the center. So which one was correct? As it turns out, they both were.

He made a hood edge profile template for a Cyclone where it meets the fender. Next up was to compare both an original Spoiler II and Spoiler hood to the same template.

This is the profile of the W Nose Spoiler and regular Cyclone hood. Notice how well the hood fits the red profile template.


This is a close up of the profile of a W Nose Cyclone hood. See how well the hood fits the profile template.


This is the same profile template with a Long Nose Spoiler II hood fitted to it.


This is a Long Nose Spoiler II hood fitted to the W Nose Spoiler profile template. Obviously the front corners of the hood are higher on the Spoiler II hood than on a standard W Nose Cyclone. The extended fenders on the Spoiler II do not start dropping as early as on the Spoiler.

The next time you are looking at a Spoiler or Spoiler II and the hood doesn’t quite fit right maybe it has the wrong hood.

This is just one more example of how special the Spoiler II cars are! There are many unique parts that just are that apparent on a casual observation.


Some of my first and strongest memories from my childhood relate to cars. I still remember when things happened based on what car I was driving at the time. I grew up and lived in Iowa for nearly 40 years before moving to Southern California and now live in Tennessee. I was a Corvette fanatic for years but then re-discovered vintage American Muscle. My wife, Katrina, and I decided we wanted to focus on unique and rare muscle cars. After a lot of research we fell in love with the Ford Blue Oval Aero Cars. These were only built in 1969 and and aerodynamics became an important part of winning races. The only purpose of these limited production cars was to win NASCAR races using the Boss 429 and 427 power plants complimented with a special, wind cheating, aerodynamic body. The Ford Talladega and Mercury Cyclone Spoiler II are terrific and historic cars. This site is devoted to these car and their owners past and present. We provide an Online Registry for recording the long term history and ownership of every remaining Talladega, Spoiler and Spoiler II.

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  1. The long nosed hoods appear to have been purpose built as the spot welds are all original in the corners.Going to be fun building the hood fixture to modify W nosed hoods to the long ones.

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