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Please consider becoming a Team Member of the Talladega and Spoiler Registry. If you own or are simply interested in the 1969 Ford Talladega, Mercury Cyclone Spoiler/Spoiler II Cale Yarborough or Dan Gurney Special; or if you have a 1969 Cyclone Color Code car, 1968 Mercury Cyclone GT 500 or one of the 1970 Prototype King Cobra or Spoiler II cars you need to belong to our Registry.
Teams that win on the track are all about working together and sharing talents and information. As a Team Member you have the opportunity to get to know other Team Members, to communicate with them and to share your questions and knowledge about these cars. Through these efforts our Team can show the car world how unique and special our Blue Oval Aero Cars really are.
As a Team Member you will receive very special benefits not available to other members including (a sample link is provided for each benefit, specific benefits may change overtime):
- Signed, dated, Full Color Registration Certificates will be mailed to all US Team Members and electronic file versions will be emailed to those living outside the US. If you provide a photo of your car at time of registration that image also will be placed on the Certificate along with the owner’s name, the car’s VIN and date of Registration. The Certificate is suitable for framing or pacing in your car’s notebook diary! It you Registered your car before you joined you need to reach out to us to let us know you would like your Certificate. Contact
- Access to all information in the Talladega and Spoiler Registry Data Base for all cars in our Registry.
- Access to a wealth of information on these historic cars and the individuals who made them famous; including how and why they were made, various options, and prototypes.
- Full access to our Resource Pages with detailed information of Suppliers, Service Providers and Technical Articles and Publications as well as Vintage Magazine articles.
- Access to other Team Members for technical assistance and support to help with your car..
- Access to our Sold Talladega/Spoiler Price Tracker; know what these cars are selling for now and in the past.
- Full access to additional details on Feature Cars and Technical Assistance articles on these cars.
- A Special Online Store with Discount prices on merchandise just for Team Members. Savings on some items may even pay for your Team Membership. This is limited to special opportunities and not available at all times.
- Occasional email newsletters and announcements regarding new entries to the Registry, Cars Sold, Talladega Family Reunions and more.
- We are also planning some special events and activities for members only.
Becoming a Talladega Spoiler Team Member costs only $20 per year and is payable with a credit card, your PayPal account or your can pay by check.
If you prefer to pay by check please send us an email at and we will give you the details of the information we need and our mailing address.
To Become a Team Member Click on the “Subscribe” Button below.
If you are already a Team Member of the Talladega and Spoiler Registry, you may have reached this page because you have not logged in. Please log in and try your request again. owned by Kirt Fryer.
i am restoring a Talladega for a friend have most parts any special procedures for putting front fenders back on?
Fender installation is not that big of a deal.You just have a lot of things to get lined up.Fenders,hood,header panel,headlight trim and grille,doors.Just a lot of care.I hope this helps.
My hood release cable on my Talladega has broken. Anyone know where i can get another one or have mine repaired. Thank you.
Kevin, One of our Member’s said it is a Lincoln cable from either 68 or 69. You can also get some ideas from our article at
If you have problems with the link just go to the top of the page and click on Projects button and look for the hood latch article.
Im not sure if your question was answered,on cable for talladega? On the mercury’s the hood release is from the Lincon part bin 68-69 ” v shaped ” hood pull. I have heard that the cable is from “62” thunderbird,it is longer than the lincon’s not sure if “61” or “63” are same? I am not really sure how the Talladega’s differ? but the standered merc’s (w-nose) don’t have a cable or a pull.P.S. I have a standered 69 gt torino ,do not remember what it has,I can look if you want?
Can you tell me what brand and style of tire my Talladega came with from the factory? Thanks.
The Talladega came from the factory with Firestone White Wall tires; size F70x14 wide oval belted.
They all came with Goodyear Plyglass white walls. You got the tire size correct.
Peter, I am pretty sure they came with Firestone wsw tires. The Invoice (window sticker) state “wide oval belted wsw tires”. Good Years were used on the Cyclones with RWL but only Firestone tires were called “wide oval”. Anyone else want to jump in on this debate?
“Wide Oval” was the term used to describe the latest iteration of the bias-ply performance tires of the late 1960’s with the tread width much wider than the sidewall height (creating an oval shape looking at the cross-section of the tire). Firestone used the term in the name of their version (may have even been trademarked) but the Goodyear Polyglass GT was also considered a “wide oval” tire. The original spare tire in my Talladega’s trunk is a WSW Goodyear Polyglass GT tire.
I have a pair of front fenders and front and rear bumpers for a torino talledega. Call me at 956-457-6979 if interested.
I would like to know if the front fenders are still available?
no reproductions are available.
I am looking for my Daddy’s 1969 Cale Yarborough Special! It was sold in Va about 16 years ago and meant so much to my 4 sisters and I! At the time we couldn’t afford it ourself but I really need to know where it is! My Daddy passed away 2 years ago and this car meant so much to him so I just want to know where I can find it! Please help me! Thanks in advance, Karen
We would love to help you find the car. First off, we need a lot more information about the car. The VIN is the most important but most people do not retain this information when they sell a car. If you have an old registration it should be on that. Next, provide us with as many details as you can about the car. What engine did it have; automatic or 4 speed; what color interior and bucket seats or bench? I am assuming it is a Spoiler and not a Spoiler II (the long nose version). Do you have any idea who it was sold to?
Bought the car new March 1969 Car is now in Melbourne Iowa
How much are a pair of 1969 talladega fenders worth??
Hello if i register i will be able to see parts for sale?? I want to buy a real fixer.
We do not have a classified section. We do have a For Sale and Sold page which tracks all ads we find for cars for sale. However, many of our Team Members have parts and or cars for sale at various times. As you likely know, the cars featured on this site are very rare and hard to find but this is likely your best source for cars, parts and technical advice for the Talladega, Spoiler II and Spoiler cars. Thanks for your interest.
hello, we are classic car company in Czech Republic. We would like to be registered in your web page but it seems that the process of registry is currently not running..could you check it, please? We need help with one Talladega which would be restored for our customer.. Many thnaks! Petr
I worked @ the Lorain assembly plant in 1969 and 70. We built special order cars when ford beat out Chrysler at the 500. They challenged ford to show proof of the 500 titled cars . we had 30 days to prove they were titled. Looking at the taladaga history this doesn’t sound correct. Some of these cars had 2 carter AFB carbs on a high rise intake . The engine/transmission combos came in assembled on pallets. There was a third shock in the rear that went from the center of the right side rear axle to the center line of the trunk. We were told this was to dampen torque roll on hard acceleration. I drove one out to the rail head one night. This thing idled at 1500 RPM and loped like a dragster. Acceleration was intense. Does anyone know anything about these cars?
I have a 428 engine tag from a 69 Talladega,how much is it worth?
These cars are finally getting the attention they deserve. What a investment you guys!!! I remember not to long ago a Talladega was looked at like nothing special, except not a lot around. I was looking at a white one for 10k, and everyone thought he wanted to much!! I bet soon a production model restored right is going to worth 100k + . Now with recognition I am considering a clone. Amy clones or tribute cars matching production models?
David, you are spot on about the improved market for Talladega and Spoiler II cars. There are a few clones/tribute cars out there but they are not hard to distinguish from real cars if you educate yourself on the details. The work and cost to create an exact copy is substantial and it is still cheaper to purchase the real thing. The Registry also has all VINs for the Talladega production. Therefore, it is possible to note a fake by comparing the VIN to our list of production cars. A Marti Report can also be obtained at a minimal cost which will also tell you if your Talladega, Spoiler II or Spoiler is a real car.
I have a set of the Ford GT paisley floor mats in brown from, I believe my fathers 1970 Galaxie 500. Problem is, i’m missing one rear mat to complete the set, don’t know what ever happened to it though. They don’t match the , Wimbleton White Torino GT 1970, and don’t want to use them in the 1996 f150 DD.
Jonathan, the brown would seem to be a very unusual color and would not match most paint/interior schemes. I would suggest you try selling them on eBay or Facebook Market Place. I have no idea about their value. There are so few of these I don’t know how to set a comparable price.
Ok. I have reached out through email and am awaiting a response. Out of curiosity, how much should one pay for a barn find, semi-rough, completely intact Talladega? I happened to stumble upon one this afternoon in an old man’s barn while stopping to look at a doodle-bug he had sitting behind the barn. Just happened to catch my attention and I asked if he would want to sell it and said yes…. 6 hours later here I am finding that this is quite a rare vehicle and am very interested in purchasing it now. Any info would be appreciated. I will update tomorrow as I am going back to inspect it further and record the vin. Thank you. NuB.
I will private message you.
Hey quick question, are you the owner of 9H15M502672. My grandma is the original owner and I just found the old owners manual for it