Look who is new to the Talladega Family!
The Talladega Family consists of both cars and Team Members. It is always a thrill when a new Member joins and when a new car is Registered. In some cases it is both. Today, one of our Team Members has adopted another Member’s car. The good news is we will all get to see it at the Talladega Reunion in the Fall. The bad news is that it likely be on its way out of the Country soon afterwards.
The Richard Hille LeeRoy Yarbrough tribute Talladega race car that was recently for sale on eBay has been purchased by our friend Robert Pegler of New Zealand. I am extremely envious of Robert and his most recent acquisition. It is a car I believe many of us have lusted over but few can justify the cost for a track only car. In phone and email conversations with Robert prior to purchase of the car it sounds like he may be considering making it street legal sometime in the future. That would be awesome!
If you are not familiar with the car here are some photos.