2017 Talladega Spoiler Family Reunion; Part 3

The 2017 Talladega Spoiler Family Reunion was one of the best yet. For the second time we incorporated a driving event on the second day. Although this was the first year we actually had a number of the Club cars participate. Last year the weather did not cooperate and discouraged use of an old non-air conditioned car. This year was perfect. Although we did have some issues with overheating there were no serious problems and everyone seemed to have a good time.

We started off convening at our home for coffee and donuts with a driver’s meeting. We had three major stops planned including lunch. In this article we will cover the first stop which was a dream come true for anyone who likes vintage auto related items.

We stopped in to visit a friend’s collection of memorabilia he describes as 20,000 square feet of “stuff” contained in a 2,000 square foot building. Katrina and I have visited the location on several different times and we always see bunches of stuff we didn’t see on previous visits. Most of the items in the collection are for sale (we have purchased several) but there also items that he will never part with.