Late in 2010 we began work to prepare for an online Registry for the 1969 Ford Aero Cars. There were already places were owners could Register their cars but unfortunately there was no one keeping an up to date listing of cars. Our biggest complaint for any car Registry we could find was that the information was not available to the general public. We still feel that two important and valuable long term benefits of on online Registry is the ability for the owner or a potential buyer to be able to confirm a car’s authenticity and prior ownership. We also felt that being able to track down a car by VIN would be very desirable.
With those goals set we began working on the technical side of the process and also asking others what they would like to have available on such a site. In early 2011 the site went live and we had instant responses and registrations submitted. It has now been three years since we started. We are thrilled with the support the Blue Oval Aero Car owners have provided both in participation and financial through our Team Memberships.
There remain many aspects of the site yet to be developed. Unfortunately, we have found that the available time in the day and the limits of our own historical and technical expertise prevent us from developing the site to its potential. We would greatly welcome and appreciate any and all contributions any of you might be able to make. It is our belief that this site can grow to be a even more valuable asset to all of us through broader Member support.
If you have specific recommendations to improve our efforts; if you have technical information to share; if you have historical information or just a project or humorous story to share please contact me at rfleener@comcast.net.
Here is a summary of the cars Registered with our site since it was founded in 2011.
-Prototypes/Pilots and Specials = 8
-Talladegas = 90
-Spoiler IIs = 51
-Spoilers = 28
TOTAL = 177
-Pre-Spoiler (Color Code) = 6
-1968 GT 500 = 4
-Petty Torino = 2
Congratulations on three years & a BIG Thank You for doing this Richard! I know its a huge undertaking but I really appreciate all you & Katrina are doing for our special cars!