The Re-Birth of #29 Dick Hutcherson Race Car: Part One
John Craft Builds Another One!

As we begin to wind down one of the most disturbing years in my memory I decided we should finish with a real feel good story. Many of you know or know of John Craft. He is one of the original organizers that put together the first book based Talladega Spoiler Registry. His attention at that time was the street Talladegas. Over the years his love of the race cars took over. He is devoted to the pre-72 NASCAR race cars and drivers. He is a recognized expert on this period.
In addition to being a retired prosecuting attorney he is a master at restoration and documentation. His automotive archeological skills have been put to use on both his projects and for those of his friends. He has also managed to be a freelance automotive journalist over the years.

The original race car he started with.
With a background like this, you might expect him to produce some extraordinary projects and you would be correct. Not long ago he finished a beautiful 1964 Ford Galaxie #06. Unfortunately, this car was virtually destroyed in the recent disastrous Texas floods. If you would like to know more about this car, click here for a complete restoration article.

What it looked like when finished and before the flood!
This time around he is nearing completion on the #29 1968 Ford Fairlane of Dick Hutcherson.
Craft’s Current Project
This story will run in several parts with an emphasis on images and less on text. Today, we will show you what John started with and what his goal looks like. Race cars often race with different skins. They often got the newest model’s body panels. John’s current project was first a 1967 Fairlane but is being restored to its 1968 livery.

This is the car to be restored but as it appeared in its 1967 livery.

The above photo is how the car was found after being put to use as a smalltime dirt track Saturday night special.

The deal is made and the car is going home with John!

Where do you start? Get rid of the junk and start fixing the foundation. John is not afraid of a challenge or getting dirty.
Next time we will tell you a little more of John’s other builds and the history on this car as well as bring you the first of restoration details of this historic race car. Who drove it? Who owned it? What did it cost and how did it do on the track? It will all be revealed as we move forward.